Our secret weapon in church expansion – the “Plan Your Visit Campaign.” This extraordinary campaign is a breakthrough in church marketing, a hidden gem that we’ve meticulously refined. It’s not just a strategy; it’s an evolution in how churches connect with communities, so powerful that some congregations have had to pause it due to reaching full capacity. Prepare to explore a campaign like no other, one that’s reshaping the landscape of church growth.

100's of Visits Generated!

4 Pillars of the Plan Your Visit Campaign

This campaign is our pride, a closely-held secret now available to forward-thinking churches. It’s not just about filling seats; it’s about sparking a movement, creating a community, and experiencing growth like never before.

Elite Targeting:

Harnessing the untapped potential of Facebook and Instagram, we deploy elite targeting strategies that reach into the heart of family decision-making circles.

Captivating Video:

Central to our campaign is a bespoke video, crafted from a script we provide, yet infused with your church’s unique spirit. This isn’t just a video; it’s a compelling invitation into the life of your church.

Exclusive Landing Page

We employ a cutting-edge landing page sequence, distinct from your main website. This is a closely-guarded secret in our strategy, optimized for extraordinary conversion rates.

Automated Follow-up

Our state-of-the-art automated follow-up system activates once a visit is planned. It’s a sequence of communication that not only reminds but inspires and reassures potential visitors.

It's all about the follow up!

When we first began collaborating with churches, we relied on them to contact the people we encouraged to plan a visit to their church. The expectation was for the churches to call or email these individuals, get to know them, and establish a connection. However, there was one significant issue: many churches lacked the ability or resources for adequate follow-up, and let’s be honest, churches aren’t “sales teams”. Many had never considered the need for such outreach. As a result, many potential visitors felt ignored, assuming the church didn’t care about them. This was a serious concern, as the last thing we wanted was to leave a negative first impression on families interested in visiting your church. Realizing the gravity of the situation, we decided to take action. Now, we have taken over the follow-up sequence for all individuals planning to visit your church. We reach out through texts, emails, and even voicemails, ensuring they feel valued and have their questions answered before their visit.


Chosen Church

650 people planned a visit!

This pastor had us stop the ad after six months! They had reached full capacity, and there was no more room in their church. We built this campaign using a very specific video from the pastor. That video was then turned over to our team for editing and deployment in the PYV campaign. After the learning phase (week one), the campaign started generating planned visits at $7.67 each! This means that every time they invested $7.67, someone within 10 miles of their church decided to plan a visit. They chose the Sunday they wanted to visit, informed us who they were coming with, and provided all their contact information, including their cell phone number, so we could reach out to them.

The WORD Church

345 people planned a visit!

A church located in the heart of L.A., California, decided to invest in our Plan Your Visit campaign system and has seen new visitors almost every weekend since the campaign began. Their church is flourishing, and they have even sent us a review video talking about the results our agency has helped them achieve.

Why Embrace the PYV Campaign?

Unprecedented Success: This campaign is our magnum opus, having filled churches beyond expectations with its unparalleled effectiveness.

Simplified for You: While the strategy is complex, your involvement isn’t. We manage all the intricate details, making it seamless for your church.

Exclusivity and Customization: Every element is exclusively designed to echo your church’s ethos, making each campaign uniquely powerful.

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